
  1. Bridge Deck Forms
  2. Bridge Deck Vs Poker Deck Designs
  3. Bridge Deck Vs Poker Deck Table
Planning poker deck

Bridge Deck Forms


Bridge Deck Vs Poker Deck Designs

But I've discovered that my prospective printer offers a cheaper bulk printing rate exclusively for poker size cards (2.5' x 3.5'). The cheaper rate works out to be about $1.26 per deck, so it is not inconsiderable.
The cost to have the cards laid out again to present a balanced image is minimal because I have a graphic designer willing to work pro bono, but I'm not certain I want to do so because I prefer the way the more narrow cards look in play. Yet I eye the savings, especially as I think about what happens as the step after a *fingers crossed* kickstarter in October.
Do people feel like most players would consider a slightly larger card a better value and that a more narrow bridge deck should cost less than a normal poker deck, all other things being equal?
If you personally were to pay for a bridge-sized deck during a kickstarter and then discovered the same card game, cards now poker-sized, available a month later on Amazon for the same price, would this cause you to feel cheated in any way?
Related Question:
What if Publisher A could print either the bridge deck or poker deck in a matching box with a rules sheet tucked in but Publisher B's deck were simply wrapped in cellophane and the rules printed on a few extra cards instead. Do you think the average card game consumer would view these two packages as having equal value? What if the cellophane deck was $1 cheaper? Would it be beneficial to offer both options or is that silly?
Bridge Deck Vs Poker Deck

Bridge Deck Vs Poker Deck Table

Generally, the easiest way to do this is to rotate the deck back image (if using one). Bridge Deck; Business Deck; Circle Deck; Divider Deck; Domino Deck; Euro Poker Deck; Euro Square Deck; Hex Deck; Jumbo Deck; Micro Deck; Mini Deck; Mint Tin Deck; Poker Deck; Small Square Deck; Square Deck; Tarot Deck; US Game Deck « Other Products. The difference between bridge cards and poker cards is simply one of size: poker cards are wider than bridge cards. This makes sense, if you think of how many cards you have to hold in your hand to play bridge.

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